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DC Gun Permit Concealed Handgun & Advanced Firearms

DC Gun Permit Concealed Handgun & Advanced Firearms

DC Gun Permit Concealed Handgun & Advanced Firearms

Part 1:  

DC Gun Permit Concealed Handgun & Advanced Firearms

Part 2:

Advanced Defensive Firearms Training 

Defensive Firearms Training: 3 Day Course- 30 Hours  

Firearms Training will consist of: Advanced Defensive Firearms Training, and Advanced CCW Defensive Handgun All calibers, and all self-defense; handguns (note no black powder guns): at our Fixed Course Rate (continental USA pricing only). Note: Pricing is only for USA and Tier 1 countries, as prices may very for Tier 2, and Tier 3 countries. 


Firearm Safety 

Gun Nomenclature and Selecting a Gun for Self-Defense

Firearm Cleaning

Ammunition Knowledge and Defensive Ammunition

Sport Shooting and Training Activities

Loading and Stoppage Remediation


Basic Defensive Gun Skills

Advanced Defensive Gun Skills

Drawing from Concealment

Carry Modes and Gun Concealment


  • 25 Member Shares Packaged Included with Services and Products.  

    Member Shares: We sale shares of our company as a product benefit to our clients. We have two membership programs as a product benefit; Gold & Silver. Each share is held as a none- ownership private equity share (NPES). Each share is sold with a product/service, not as an investment instrument. Each share member shall participate, in profit sharing, and member shares fund earned interest income. Each share member shall receive dividend payments, following a prior profitable year, or business quarter.

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